(ABIDE Groups)


"... and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart."

ACTS 2:46

SYNAXIS is the word that was used by the 1st Century church to describe "house-to-house" gatherings
of believers and their guests.  "Synaxis"  is literally a Greek word that means “a gathering; a coming together or a reunion.”  These were a very specific kind of meeting, with a very specific purpose.  While synaxis gatherings are mentioned all throughout the New Testament, the Apostle Paul gives us the clearest picture of what took place
in these gatherings.  In 1 Corinthians, he reveals that synaxis gatherings were designed to accomplish four (4) unique things among those who gathered:

Praise and Worship
Equipping of believers to exercise their spiritual gifts
Every week, the members of the early church met in synaxis gatherings.  As the large celebration gatherings within the temple were incubators for faith and vision, the smaller synaxis gatherings were incubators for the development of an individuals gifts.  In synaxis gatherings, believers were trained to discover, develop, and practice the release of spiritual gifts.  It was the supernatural power and effectiveness of these
house-to-house gatherings that caused the New Testament church to explode across the known world.

At The Epicenter, we have returned to the foundational and vital call to raise up healthy families ... both in an individuals life, and in the life of the Body of Christ. It is through the revelation and experiences of our ABIDE GROUPS that we believe we will see revival enter into our region!

Weekly House-to-House Gatherings

ABIDE Group training is currently underway, each week @ the epicenter. feel free to fill out the
form below or contact Pastor Brandon Byrd to Explore your engagment in this powerful ministry!


For details contact:

 pastor Brandon byrd
(512) 525-5858

Sign up for an ABIDE Group!

We'd love to get you connected to aN ABIDE group in your area!  
Fill out the form below to get started.  We'll get your name to
the appropriate group leader, and you will be on your way to
 one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of your lifetime!